Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
From First Presbyterian Church
Important Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 9th- SS & Recharge Teacher Orientation at 6:00pm in the Fireside Room
Sept. 9th High School Parent Meeting at 7:15pm in the Youth Room
Sept. 13th- SS Kickoff with All Church Breakfast
Sept. 16th- Recharge & High School Youth Group Kickoff
Sept. 19th- HS Cook Out at 6pm at Pastor Michael’s House
Sept. 20th- Confirmation Parent Orientation at 10:10am in the Confirmation Room
Sept. 27th- Confirmation Kickoff
Sunday School Kickoff:
You are invited to join us for our Sunday School kickoff breakfast at 10:10am on Sunday September 13th. We will share with you more information about the many new opportunities to grow in your faith and fellowship, take questions, and celebrate the exciting year that lies ahead of us!
SLHS Football Breakfasts
Again this year, First Presbyterian Church will be hosting breakfast and team devotionals on varsity game days. In order to keep up with the demand, we need your help. This can involve donating food, cooking, serving, or coordinating volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of a breakfast team, please call 336-1649, check the sign up sheet in the narthex, or check our website.
Funeral Luncheon Coordinator Needed
First Presbyterian is in need of a PW member to fill the position of Funeral Luncheon Coordinator.
The Funeral Luncheon Coordinator duties include:
1) Visits with family about food they would like served for main dish and purchases it.
2) Assigns one of the 4 service groups to: secure workers, call for salads and cake or bars, set up, serve, and clean up for a funeral.
If you would be interested in serving in this capacity, please contact the church office and let Cheri know, or call Charlene Radcliffe at 330-6668.
Handbell & Choir Practice
The adult Handbell and Chancel Choir will begin practice on Wednesday, September 9th. The Handbells will practice at 7pm followed by the Chancel Choir practice beginning at 8pm. We are always interested in new faces – especially ringers who would like to be a substitute. Please contact me if you are interested at bbmendo@gmail.com”
Recharge Meal Server Sign Up
A sign up sheet has been posted in the narthex and ready for you to sign up to help set tables, serve and clean up for our weekly meals at Recharge (formerly WNF).
Men’s Bible Study
All men are invited to join the Men’s Bible Study group beginning again on Thursday, September 10th at 9:00am in Fellowship Hall.
Women’s Bible Study
All women are invited to join the Women’s Bible Study Group each Tuesday afternoon at 1:30pm beginning on September 15th in the Fireside Room.
High School Parent Meeting: September 9th:
All parents of our high school students are strongly encouraged to join us on September 9th at 7:30pm in the newly decorated youth room to preview the upcoming high school student calendar, to learn about the initial planning of next summer’s mission trip, sign up for updates on activities for your student, and learn how you can help make our high school ministries a continued success!
POET Dinner Event
The next POET event will be held at The Clubhouse Restaurant at Boji Bay (behind Perkins) on Monday, September 14th at 7pm. Please RSVP on our website.
Annual Presbyterian Ladies Salad Supper
You are invited to attend an evening of fellowship, worship and good food hosted by the Mary and Martha circles. Everyone is encourage to bring friends. A signup sheet is located in the library window and on the office window. Those wishing to carpool will meet at 5:30pm at the church.
Our speaker this year is Bonnie Neisess. Bonnie is involved with Stonecroft Ministries. She will share her faith and journey through her topic “Life’s Treasures and Teacups”. You will be blessed with Bonnie’s message.
Our annual mission trip with the United Methodist Church to The Banquet in Sioux Falls is scheduled for Saturday, September 26th. We will help serve the noon meal to the guests who are hungry for food and fellowship in a safe environment. Please mark your calendar if you are interested in volunteering for this great ministry. Details and signup will be available next month. You can always call the church office with questions, or check out the website, www.thebanquetsf.org.
First Presbyterian Church Annual Turkey Supper
Thursday, October 22nd
First Presbyterian Church will be hosting their Annual Turkey Supper. This is an all church event and we need many helping hands to make this a success. Look for the job sign up sheet in the narthex.
Please pick up your pans &
bowls from the kitchen.
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Donna Gray on the passing of her nephew, Andrew Zajac.
- Darlene Embry recovering from a fall.
- Betty Elgin recovering from a fall.
- Martha Woodard recovering from pneumonia. Well wishes may be sent to her at 1908 W Riverbluff Dr., Brandon, SD 57005.
- Velma Ashburn recovering from knee surgery.
- Ben Kelly recovering from an accident.
- Connor Rowley recovering from an accident.
- Talia Patton as she suffers kidney rejection.
- Dolly Kooima as she recovers from a fall.
- Jim Arens who has been diagnosed with interstitial lung disease.
- Mitchell Elmquist struggling with lymphoma.
- Michele Swanson battling with cancer.
- Marcia Andersen, who is having health concerns.
- Paul Donnenwerth battling with liver cancer.
- Brian Jones & Jay Anderson as they await transplants and further recovery.
Upcoming Meetings:
September 2nd
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 6pm
- Building & Grounds Comm Mtg – 6:30pm
- Teacher Orientation –
September 3rd
- PW Coordinating Team Meeting – 3:00pm
- Mission Comm Meeting – 7:00pm
September 6th
- Reformed Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 10:15am
- Reforming Service – 11:15am
September 7th
- Office Closed
September 8th
- Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
Children & Adult Sunday School Classes
will resume in the fall.
Reformed (1st) Service ~
September 6th
Pianist – Arla Stover
Liturgist – Margie Burrell
Ushers – Bernie & Marcia VanRoekel and Dan VanBeek
Greeter – Ryan & Erin Davelaar
Video Taping – Wes Farmer
Nursery – Sara Fisher & Sarah Kennedy
Coffee – Edna VanderWolde & Nancy Radcliffe
Reforming (2nd) Service ~
September 6th
Singers – Pressley Cochran Bray, Bart Duncan, Marissa Sill & Liz Steiner
Greeters – The Pratt family
Power Point – Brice Pratt
Sound – Tom Ditsworth
Nursery – Teresa Beck