Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
From First Presbyterian Church
Important Upcoming Date:
Confirmation Kick Off – 10:15am
Wednesday, September 23rd
Meal: Mexicali
Meal Crew: Jack & Sherryl Jones, Sharma Brockmeyer, Karey Winkel & Jan Bowles
Adult Classes
- True Spirituality by Chip Ingram ~ led byPam DenHerder
- A Modern Girl’s Guide to Bible Study: A Refreshingly Unique Look at God’s Word by Jen Hatmaker ~ led by Rachelle Gewecke
- Seven Men: And the Secret of their Greatness by Eric Metaxas ~ led by Pastor Clint
Recharge Meal Servers Needed
A sign-up sheet has been posted in the narthex and ready for you to sign up to help set tables, serve and clean up for our weekly meals at Recharge (formerly WNF).
We will not be meeting this week due to Homecoming events.
SLHS Football Breakfasts
First Presbyterian Church is hosting breakfast and team devotionals on varsity game days. In order to keep up with the demand, we need your help. This can involve donating food, cooking, serving, or coordinating volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of a breakfast team, please call 336-1649, check the sign up sheet in the narthex, or check our website.
Funeral Luncheon Coordinator Needed First Presbyterian is in need of a PW member to fill the position of Funeral Luncheon Coordinator.
The Funeral Luncheon Coordinator duties include:
1) Visits with family about food they would like served for main dish and purchases it.
2) Assigns one of the 4 service groups to: secure workers, call for salads and cake or bars, set up, serve, and clean up for a funeral.
If you would be interested in serving in this capacity, please contact the church office and let Cheri know, or call Charlene Radcliffe at 330-6668.
Power Point People Needed
We are looking for someone with power point skills to put together our Power Point presentation for our Worship Service. Please contact Clint if you are willing to help.
Church School Snacks
A sign-up sheet and PEANUT/ NUT-FREE SNACK LIST has been placed in the library window. Please take a snack list and sign up for your favorite date!! 5 dozen snacks and 2 large juice (not red) are needed in the Cantina for Church School by 9:45am each Sunday morning.
Interested in becoming a member of First Presbyterian?
On Sunday, October 11, there will be a New Members’ Recognition for those of you who have recently joined the church but have not been publicly recognized. If you have decided to join the church, but have not yet completed the necessary paperwork, we invite you to stop in the church office and complete the required forms so that we can include you in the October 11 recognition. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office.
Serve At The Banquet
The signup sheet is on the table in the Narthex to serve the noon meal at The Banquet on Saturday, September 26th. If you have never done this please consider volunteering. It is a well-run Christian ministry with helpful leadership to guide volunteers through the process. It is also a very rewarding experience. Please note departure times and dress code on the signup sheet. If you have questions please call the church office.
FPC Fall Clean Up
On Saturday, October 10th from 9:00am until ????, we will be doing fall clean-up here at the church. Please bring your hedge trimmers, rakes and pick-ups for hauling debris, or any other tool that you think would be helpful. See you there!
First Presbyterian Church Annual Turkey Supper Thursday, October 22nd, 4:30-7pm
It’s time to sign up if you are willing to furnish 2 pies and pick your favorite job for the October 22nd Turkey Supper. Again this year we are asking for you to specify what kind of pies you will be bringing, and PLEASE, NO PIES NEEDING REFRIGERATION! This is a huge and exciting event that takes many hands. Signing up in advance saves many hours of calling to solicit the pies that are needed. Thank you!
Look for the job sign up sheet in the narthex.
Please pick up your pans &
bowls from the kitchen.
- Betty Lamer recovering from an illness.
- Keith Brockmeyer recovering from back surgery.
- Darlene Embry recovering from a fall.
- Betty Elgin recovering from a fall.
- Martha Woodard recovering from pneumonia. Well wishes may be sent to her at 1908 W Riverbluff Dr., Brandon, SD 57005.
- Velma Ashburn recovering from knee surgery.
- Connor Rowley recovering from an accident.
- Talia Patton as she suffers kidney rejection.
- Jim Arens who has been diagnosed with interstitial lung disease.
- Mitchell Elmquist struggling with lymphoma.
- Michele Swanson battling with cancer.
- Marcia Andersen, who is having health concerns.
- Paul Donnenwerth battling with liver cancer.
- Brian Jones & Jay Anderson as they await transplants and further recovery.
Upcoming Meetings:
September 23rd
- Recharge – 5:30pm
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 7pm
- Adult Handbell Practice – 7pm
- High School Youth Group – 7:15pm
- Chancel Choir practice – 8pm
- HS Act II – 8:30pm
September 24th
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
September 27th
- Reformed Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship – 10am
- Sunday School – 10:10am
- Confirmation Kick Off – 10:15am
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 10:15am
- Reforming Service – 11:15am
September 28th
- PW Sewing – 9am
September 29th
- Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
Sunday School – 10:10am
Adult Sunday School Classes
- Songs of Faith: And the stories behind them ~ led by Carol Ayres Stueven
- Wisdom from the Proverbs ~ led by Pastor Clint
Reformed (1st) Service ~
September 27th
Pianist – Rachelle Gewecke
Liturgist – Erin Davelaar
Ushers – Dan VanBeek and Jack & Sherryl Jones
Greeter – Ryan & Erin Davelaar
Video Taping – Keith Brockmeyer
Nursery – Jodi Smith & Amy Profit
Coffee – Kent & Jill Stensland
Reforming (2nd) Service ~
September 27th
Singers – Kari Bruinsma, Liz Spiker, Marissa Sill & Ron Williams
Greeters – The Pratt family
Power Point – Logan Sill
Sound – Chris Sill
Nursery – Amber Lippon