Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
Meal: Chicken Potpie/Chicken Biscuits
Meal Crew Members Needed
Adult Classes:
- Freezer Meals
- For the Life of the World – Rick Porter
- The Book of Daniel – Rachelle Gewecke
- 10 Commandments—Clint Loveall
Recharge Pre-Registration
We are excited for our Recharge program to begin again starting at 5:30pm on Wednesday, September 14th! In order to save your time for registration, we are now pleased to offer online pre-registration and payment for your family. You can learn more about this year’s program and pre-register at your convenience at fpcspiritlake.org/recharge Sign-up sheets for meal crews are in the narthex.
Recharge Gym Teacher Needed
We are still in need of a gym teacher for Wednesday Recharge. If you are willing to serve in that capacity, please contact Pastor Michael for more information.
Farewell to the Getmans
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Bud & Bea for their many years of service to the church and wish them the best as they make their permanent home in Florida. Any cards may be sent to them at 3033 Golfside Dr., Naples, FL 34110. Blessings to you Bud & Bea.
Markers of the Covenant – A series on the 10 Commandments
Most Christians claim that the 10 Commandments are “extremely important,” though most also can’t name them all. What are they, who are they for, what do they mean, and why does it matter? Join us beginning Sept 11 as we begin a sermon series on the 10 Commandments which will also be a Sunday School and Recharge Wednesday class with follow-up discussion.
High School Lessons and Updates are Now Social
We are excited to announce that this year, the high school will begin to integrate our weekly lessons into social media.
If you choose to subscribe you will get updates regarding our weekly lesson, youth group events, lesson related challenges, and much more!
Make sure to subscribe now so that you don’t miss out!
Subscribe on…
Twitter: @fpcConnect, Facebook: facebook.com/fpcConnect, and
email: fpcspiritlake.org/fpcConnect
8th Grade Confirmation Kickoff
Parents and 8th grade students are invited to join Pastor Michael for a Confirmation orientation during the Sunday School hour on September 18th in the Confirmation room (next to the youth room) starting at 10:15am. Join us as we explore the Confirmation calendar, talk about the meaning of Confirmation, expectations for students and their families, and to officially register your student in the program.
Women’s Bible Study
All women are invited to join Women’s Bible Study each Tuesday afternoon at 1:30pm beginning on September 13th in the Fireside Room.
Chancel Choir & Handbell practice
The Chancel Choir and Handbells will begin practice on Wednesday, September 14th. Handbells will begin at 7pm and Choir begins at 8pm.
Men’s Bible Study
All men are invited to join Men’s Bible Study each Thursday beginning September 15th at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall.
Act II Kickoff
Beginning on September 18th Act II will begin again! We will begin meeting at 2:00pm at Pastor Michael’s house every Sunday. All high school students are invited to join us as we seek to study, pray, and grow as disciples of Christ together.
High School Cookout (Date Change)
All high school students are invited to join Pastor Michael and the E5 team on September 18th starting at 5:30pm at Memorial Park as we celebrate the beginning of a new school year. Join us as we grill out, play lawn games, and kickoff our fall youth ministries!
Football Breakfasts
Again this year, First Presbyterian Church will be hosting breakfast and team devotionals on varsity game days. This has been a great experience for us and we are thankful for the opportunity to welcome the team. The numbers have grown steadily and we are expecting well over 75 young men at each meal. In order to keep up with the demand, we need your help. This can involve donating food, cooking, serving, or coordinating volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of a breakfast team, call 336-1649, check the sign up sheet in the narthex or sign up on our website at https://fpcspiritlake.org/football-breakfasts/
PW Fall Gathering
The Presbyterian Women Fall Gathering will take place on Monday, September 26th at Memorial Presbyterian Church, 112 E Willow St., Cherokee, IA. Registration begins at 8:45am and lunch/registration fee is $6.50. This year’s theme is “Lord Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace.” The offering will be divided between CAASA and Lakeshore Center. Don’t forget your Mission Offering. For more information or about carpooling, please contact Cheri in the office at 336-1649.
Weekly Prayer in the Chapel
ALL are invited to join our prayer group in the chapel every Tuesday morning from 9 to 9:30am. We pray for posted requests, our church family, our pastors, our nation, the election and an array of various other concerns that are brought before us. If you aren’t able to join us, but have something you would like us to pray about, stop in the chapel and fill out a prayer card and tack it on the prayer board! We would love to have others join us! There is POWER IN PRAYER!
Attention Ladies
We are very excited to announce the upcoming Women’s Retreat to again be held at Lakeshore Center at Okoboji (formerly Presbyterian Camp) Saturday, Oct. 8. New this year: First Presbyterian Church and Lakeshore Center are partnering to offer an exciting new speaker/singer/songwriter, Jill Miller (http://www.jillmillermusic.com). Also new is the option of extending the retreat with a Friday night session which will include a movie, supper, discussion, and a “girls’ night” sleepover.
- Friday night beginning at 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Childcare provided Saturday
- Registration discount for registrations before September 30
For additional information and a registration form, or register online at: www.lakeshorecenteratokoboji.org.
Please call the camp at 712-337-3313 or First Presbyterian Church at 712-336-1649 for additional information.
This is one retreat you won’t want to miss! Register today!
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Katy Kline on the passing of her brother, this past week.
- Nadine Hough recovering from ankle surgery.
- Kathy Huitink having tests/treatment of health issues.
- Karl Kiilsholm having health issues.
- Mary Cornell recovering from hip surgery.
- Keith Tadlock beginning radiation treatment.
- Katy Kline recovering from skin graft surgery.
- Bev Butler recovering from surgery.
- Amy Tanner suffering with a brain bleed.
- Gayle Raymond who is dealing with health issues.
- Mary Zierke suffering with pancreatic cancer.
- Lee Struthers suffering with leukemia.
- Laureen Andersen suffering with back issues.
- Tom Gruber suffering with health issues.
- Marj Roseberry recovering from hip surgery.
- Mark Goetsch recovering from a work accident.
- Eric Avery fighting brain cancer.
- Velma Ashburn dealing with health issues.
- Kenny Beck fighting brain cancer.
- Judy Stueven recovering from health issues.
- Bennett Stecker for healing and response to treatment.
- Jennifer Dukes Lee’s father recovering from surgery.
- Tammy (Bartels) Martin recovering from an aneurysm.
- Pat Kelly suffering with health issues.
- Betty Lamer recovering from an illness.
- Talia Patton as she suffers kidney rejection.
- Jim Arens, diagnosed with interstitial lung disease.
- Mitchell Elmquist struggling with lymphoma.
- Jay Anderson as he awaits transplants and further recovery.
Upcoming Meetings:
September 14th
- Recharge begins – 5:30pm
- Building & Grounds Comm Mtg – 6:30pm
- High School Youth Group – 6:45pm
- Adult Handbell practice – 7pm
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 7:15pm
- Chancel Choir practice – 8pm
September 15th
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
September 18th
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship – 10am
- Sunday School – 10:15am
- Confirmation Parent Meeting – 10:15am
- Adult Ed – 10:30am
- Act II – 2pm
September 19th
- PW Sewing -9am
- Stewardship Committee Mtg – 5:15pm
September 20th
- Weekly Prayer – 9am
- Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
- Session Meeting – 7pm
Reformed (1st) Service ~ 8:50am
September 18th
Organist – Charlene Radcliffe
Liturgist – John Knabe
Ushers – Dan VanBeek, Tom Brodie, Jack & Sherryl Jones
Greeters – Jake & Ruth DeJong
Video Taping – Owen Primavera
Nursery – Amy Webber & Lisa Kraus
Coffee – Jack & Margie Burrell
Reformed (2nd) Service ~ 11:15am
September 18th
Praise Team – Kari Bruinsma, Jeremiah Clay & Pressley Cochran-Bray
Greeter/Usher – Charlotte Baldwin
Nursery – Marissa Sill
Power Point – Logan Sill
Sound – Chris Sill
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA