Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
High School Bridge Event
This Wednesday, our high school will be traveling to Spencer for a multi-church youth group and worship experience called “The Bridge.” The trip will include supper, games, youth led worship, and a guest preacher from Des Moines. There is no cost to attend but please arrive at the church no later than 6:00pm so that we can arrive on time. We will return to the church no later than 9:00pm. Please feel free to invite friends!
Confirmation Retreat
The annual 8th grade Confirmation retreat will begin at 2pm on Saturday October 21st at the Lakeshore Center. The retreat will end after the students attend the 8:50 worship service on Sunday the 22nd (students will be free to return home immediately following the service). Parents with questions or concerns can contact Pastor Michael for more information.
Opportunity to Serve
Saturday, October 21st our church joins with the United Methodist Church to help serve the noon meal at The Banquet, 900 East 8th Street, Sioux Falls SD. This ministry depends on its many volunteers to serve those who are hungry for food and fellowship in a safe environment. You can chose to leave at 6:30 or 8:30 (early shift helps prepare the meal) and either car pool or drive yourself. Parking is available on the north side of The Banquet building as is the entrance door. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex or call the church office 336-1649 if you plan to go. It is a great and rewarding experience! More info at thebanquetsf.org
We are collecting new and “like new” children’s books to take along to be given to children that are guests at The Banquet. There is a collection box in the narthex. Families are encouraged to take part in this mission trip. Thank you everyone for helping!
Your Mission Committee
Officer Nominating Time
Once again, we are starting our annual quest to find a few good men and women who feel called by God to serve as leaders in this congregation. Nominations are being taken for 2018’s new class of Elders and Deacons. Nominated persons should be people of obvious faith, vision, sound judgment, good leadership, compassion and personal integrity. Nominated persons will be prayerfully considered during the nominating committee process.
Nominations should be turned into the church office by Monday, October 23rd and include the name of the person being nominated and whether you feel they should serve as an Elder or a Deacon. Both terms are three years in length. Nominations will be considered by the Nominating Committee and the election will be held at a congregational meeting which has been called for November 12th following the Reformed Service (1st).
Volunteers Needed
The Building & Grounds Committee is searching for volunteers interested in helping with vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dusting & wiping tables here at the church while Vonda recuperates from knee surgery. (Her surgery is scheduled for Monday, October 30th) Please contact Dan Vicker if you can help at (515)249-5062 or email devicker@gmail.com.
Wednesday, October 18th
Meal: Potatoes & Ham and Sauerkraut & Sausage Soup & Taverns
Meal Crew: Jack & Sherryl Jones, Edna VanderWolde, Chuck & Gloria Ditsworth, Doug & Barb Johnson
Join us at Recharge with a meal beginning at 5:30pm, full youth programming, and multiple exciting adult classes to choose from at 6:10pm. Pick up a Recharge brochure in the Narthex, sign up to help on our meal rotation, and be sure to join us for another exciting year of fellowship and discipleship!
Adult Ed Classes:
- Esther in the Women’s Bible Study led by Rachelle Gewecke
- Being Men of Faith led by Pastor Clint
- Explore the Old Testament with the Great Courses
- Freezer Meal Class
Football Breakfasts
First Presbyterian Church is hosting breakfast and team devotionals on varsity game days. This has been a great experience for us and we are thankful for the opportunity to welcome the team. The numbers have grown steadily and we are regularly serving well over 70 young men at each meal. In order to keep up with the demand, we need your help. This can involve donating food, cooking, serving, or coordinating volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of a breakfast team, call 336-1649, check the sign up sheet in the narthex or sign up on our website.
Upper Des Moines and Spirit Life Food Pantries
The congregations of our county take turns supporting the Upper Des Moines and Spirit Life Food Pantries. Long ago it was decided by the churches that the county would be best served by having these pantries. Our congregation has the opportunity to provide to the pantries for the months of April and October. Please consider donating your items during the month of October. Items may be placed in the wagon in the Narthex. Monetary gifts are welcome as well.
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Jim & Charlene Radcliffe on the passing of Charlene’s brother, Chuck Smith, this past week.
- Abby, Pauly Eaton’s granddaughter suffering injuries after car accident.
- Randy dealing with heart issues.
- Austin Crew with swelling of the brain.
- Iraqi Missionaries
- Jen Watts niece, Ellie, as she prepares for her initial partial prosthetic and therapy.
- Jada Duis recovering from mono.
- Kelly Swancutt’s uncle having tests.
- Charles Klaassen having tests in Sioux Falls.
- Kelly Swancutt seeing a specialist on Wednesday.
- Kelly Darling dealing with heart failure.
- Dee Fibelstad recovering from knee surgery.
- Kathy Huitink has ALS test group checkup on Wednesday..
- Dave Radcliffe treated at the heart hospital and recovering at home.
- Holly needing more surgery.
- Ken Westergard dealing with excess fluid.
- Steve Kwikkel with pancreatic cancer & chemo.
- Cindy Phillips dealing with cancer.
- Lawrence Lupkes beginning new treatment.
- Jared Lewis recovering from surgery.
- Lewis Johnson recovering from surgery.
- Laurie Phillips dealing with medical issues.
- Linnea Lambert recovering at home.
- Emily Butterworth recovering from surgery.
- Phil DenHerder recovering from surgery.
- Leona Koele recovering from stroke.
- Karen Clark dealing with medical issues.
- Roxie Moriston undergoing chemotherapy.
- Paul Scharnberg battling cancer reoccurrence.
Loved ones are kept on our prayer list for one
month, unless otherwise requested.
Upcoming Meetings:
October 18th
- Weekly Prayer – 4:45pm
- Recharge – 5:30pm
- High School Youth Group – 6:45pm
- Adult Handbell Rehearsal – 7pm
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 7:15pm
- Chancel Choir Rehearsal – 8pm
October 19th
- Ladies Coffee Break at Hey Good Cookies – 8:30am
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
- Act II at the High School office – 11:20am
October 21st
- Serving at The Banquet
- FPC Fall Clean-up – 8:30am-noon
- Confirmation Retreat Begins –
October 22nd
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Pastor Appreciation Reception – 10am
- Sunday School – 10:15am
- Confirmation – 10:15am
- Adult Ed Classes – 10:30am
- Reforming Worship Service – 11:15am
October 23rd
- PW Sewing – 9am
October 24th
- Tues Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
Reformed Worship Service ~ 8:50am
October 22nd
Organist – Eulyn Riemersma
Liturgist – Donna Harms
Ushers – Randy & Vonda Buchman and John, Angie, Drey & Sydney Peterson
Greeters – Todd, June, Caleb & Addison Howatt
Video Taping – Dan Vicker
Soundbooth – Jackie Jenkins, Tom Ditsworth & Mike Reekers
Nursery – Amy Profit
Coffee – Larry & Sharee DenHerder
Reforming Worship Service ~ 11:15am
October 22nd
Praise Team – Jeremiah Clay, Jillian Murray, Annika Stecker & Liz Steiner
Nursery – Sarah Dirks
Sound & Power Point – Tillotson family
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA