Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
Lenten Bible Study & Soup Supper
Feb 25 – Divine Math – wrong ideas about the Trinity and the nature of Christ
Mar 4 – Following Jesus – Wrong ideas about discipleship, faith and forgiveness
Mar 11 – The choices we make – Wrong ideas about freedom and free-will
Mar 18 – Exceedingly blessed – wrong ideas about wealth and prosperity
Mar 25 – Everything is Awesome – wrong ideas about truth and tolerance
This Year the Lenten Bible Study will also be accessible on our website and via podcast. For more information check out our website at fpcspiritlake.org/podcast
A sign-up sheet for soup, bread, veggies, and dessert is posted in the narthex.
Dinner: 5pm
Bible Study: will follow (5:30ish)
Again this year, our lilies will have even more meaning. We have decided to add to the cost of each lily and use these proceeds to benefit Discovery House. So while we celebrate the resurrection, we will also be ministering to people less fortunate. The lily alone will be $11.00, but if you choose to give to our Discovery House mission, it will be $15.00. Please call Cheri at the church office at 336-1649 to place your order, and please let us know if this is in memory of, or honoring someone.
Thank You
Dear Friends,
What a blessing it is to be a part of the First Pres church family! Thank you for the encouragement sent my way in cards, calls, visits and most of all your prayers. Happily, I am receiving therapy and it’s helping me be more independent.
Joan Baird-Sik
Parenting & Technology
6th-12th grade parents are invited to join Pastor Michael for his new Recharge class where he is exploring the challenges and opportunities for parenting in our tech-connected world. Class begins at 6:20pm in the “music room” in the Education wing of the church (to the left of the gym door).
Rides to Church
The Deacons are willing to provide rides for anyone who needs rides, especially this winter. Contact the church for rides and they will get ahold of the Deacons.
Wednesday, February 21st
Meal: Chicken Noodle Soup
Meal Crew: Marcia Eckerman, Edna VanderWolde & Pat Thomson
Meal Crew Helpers are Needed!
Adult Ed Classes
- Romans — Women’s Bible Study led by Rachelle Gewecke
- Explore the New Testament with the Great Courses
- Martin Luther—The man who changed the church – led by Pastor Clint
- Parenting & Technology – led by Pastor Michael
Notice: Our 2nd Semester Dues Are Due
Sunday School “Snack Providers and Servers”
A sign-up sheet and PEANUT/NUT-FREE SNACK LIST is placed in the library window or you may sign up online. Please take a snack list and sign up for your favorite date!! 5 dozen snacks and 2 large juice (not red please) are needed for Sunday School. If you leave the worship service during the last hymn, you have time to prepare your snacks for serving. This week snacks will be provided by the Donnenwerth family. Next week’s snacks will be provided by ??? Snack Providers Needed!
Attention Sewers
The children’s and lap quilts are now in the fellowship hall and ready for completion. Please take them home and complete one or as many as you like. These quilts have been given in the past to CAASA, Dickinson County Public Health for the “New Moms” program, Lakes Regional Healthcare for the new babies, Gentiva Hospice and Accura Care Center. Please help with this project which provides warmth to many members of our community and beyond.
Our Daily Bread Devotionals
The March, April, May “Our Daily Bread” devotionals are here and ready for you to pick up.
World Day of Prayer
All God’s Creation is Very Good!
Genesis 1:1-31
Friday, March 2nd, 1:00pm
Invite your friends, family and members of the community to join us at 1:00pm on Friday, March 2nd to celebrate World Day of Prayer at Calvary United Methodist Church, Arnolds Park. The World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year. The host country for WDP 2018 is Suriname. This program was written by women in Suriname, and they lift up their voices to remind us that we are caretakers of God’s creation! Refreshments will be served following the service.
Ladies….of all ages:
Coffee break time every Thursday morning, 8:30 AM is at Lakes Regional Healthcare Coffee Shop. No agenda, just get together with friends and a little chit chat.
Questions: Call Lori Vicker at 515-249-6684.
Community Table
First Presbyterian Church has volunteered to serve people of the Lakes Area on Thursday, March 8th. Serving time for the meal is 5:30-6:45pm at Okoboji Bible Conference Grounds.
The workers we will need are servers, counters, greeters, table setters, clean up and a parking attendant.
If you are interested in helping, please sign-up on the sheet posted in the Narthex.
Baby Bottle Campaign
First Presbyterian Church is participating in a Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit the Cherish Center. Baby bottles are available for you to pick up and fill with your loose change or any other way you would like to help.
In 2012, Pizza Ranch partnered with the Tesfa Foundation to support three schools located in the coffee growing region of Ethiopia. The schools, operated by the Tesfa Foundation, bring education to nearly 700 students who would not otherwise have access to early childhood and primary school education.
If you are interested in purchasing coffee to help support children’s education, please contact the office at 336-1649 or office@fpcspiritlake.org
- Kieth Tadlock recovering from food poisoning.
- Bob Peterson recovering from food poisoning.
- Cassandra Nielsen recovering from serious illness.
- Melody Payton having cancer tests.
- Kevin in hospice.
- Bob Huls with stage 4 colon cancer.
- Lawrence Lupkes recovering from chemo and continued treatment.
- Kathy Nygaard starting another round of chemotherapy.
- Wilma Clauson recovering at Accura.
- India Shippley recovering from a car accident.
- Steve Thompson hospitalized with heart issues.
- Blake Smith suffering with health issues.
- John Knabe’s nephew Dietrich surgery to repair brain bleed.
- Gary Eaton suffering with shingles.
- Vicki Grems recovering from knee surgery.
- Ruth Nolting recovering from ankle surgery.
- Margaret Plunkett battling cancer.
- Joan Baird recovering at Pearl Valley Rehab Center in Estherville.
- Heath Huberg battling cancer.
- Reba Williams battling cancer.
- Laura Fagen’s mom, Pat, in Hospice Care.
- Kolby suffering with chest pains.
- Kristen Kuiper recovering from a stroke.
- Dave Bartels recovering from breathing difficulties at home.
- Tomy Norman recovering from a shattered hip.
- Denice Wiersma battling cancer.
- Rod Johnson’s cancer has returned.
- Pauly Eaton diagnosed with cancer.
- Kathy Huitink being treated for pressure sores.
- Russ Thomson dealing with medical issues.
- Abby, Pauly Eaton’s granddaughter suffering injuries after car accident.
- Kelly Swancutt’s uncle having tests.
- Charles Klaassen having tests in Sioux Falls.
- Holly Hansen recovering from radiation.
- Steve Kwikkel with pancreatic cancer & chemo.
- Cindy Phillips clear PET scan, doing chemo maintenance.
- Laurie Phillips dealing with medical issues.
- Emily Butterworth recovering from surgery.
- Karen Clark dealing with medical issues.
Loved ones are kept on our prayer list for one
month, unless otherwise requested.
Upcoming Meetings:
February 21st
- Weekly Prayer – 4:45pm
- Recharge – 5:30pm
- High School Youth Group – 6:45pm
- Adult Handbell Rehearsal – 7pm
- Chancel Choir Rehearsal – 8pm
February 22nd
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
- Act II at the High School office – 11:20am
February 25th
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship – 10am
- Sunday School – 10:15am
- Confirmation -10:15am
- Adult Ed Classes – 10:30am
- Reforming Worship Service – 11:15am
February 26th
- PW Sewing – 9am
February 27th
- Tues Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
Reformed Worship Service ~ 8:50am
February 25th
Pianist – Rachelle Gewecke
Liturgist – Ray Miller
Ushers – Anderson family
Greeters – Vernice Wahl
Video Taping – Wes Farmer
Soundbooth – Jackie Jenkins, Mike Reekers &
Pat Butler
Nursery – June Howatt
Coffee – Larry & Sharee DenHerder
Reforming Worship Service ~ 11:15am
February 25th
Praise Team – Pressley Cochran-Bray, Adrie Stecker & Liz Steiner
Usher/Greeter – Stecker family
Nursery – Lindsay VanderWolde
Sound & Power Point – Sill family
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA