Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
“Ask the Pastors”
Michael has put together a form on our web site that will let users submit questions, and then we will use class periods on Sundays and Wednesdays to do our best to answer them.
The idea is that there may be things that people have wondered, want explained, or don’t understand about church, theology, Bible, etc. This will give you all a chance to submit them anonymously and give us a little lead time to think about them and do some homework if needed. Click here to ask your question!
Lenten Bible Study & Soup Supper
Mar 25 – Everything is Awesome – wrong ideas about truth and tolerance
This Year the Lenten Bible Study will also be accessible on our website and via podcast. For more information check out our website at fpcspiritlake.org/podcast
A sign-up sheet for soup, bread, veggies, and dessert is posted in the narthex.
Dinner: 5pm
Bible Study: will follow (5:30ish)
Thank You
A big “THANK YOU” to all the ladies who gathered for PW Projects Day. Some of the projects completed were cleaning kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, closets, beginning to prepare for the garage sale, and many others. Their devotions was on JOY. They had a great lunch and fellowship and a good time was had by all. Thank you ladies for helping keep our church clean and beautiful.
Good Friday Readers Needed
1st Pres Friends, we are in need of 5 readers for the Good Friday service (March 30 at 7:00pm). Anyone who is comfortable with public speaking and willing to take part, please contact the office to volunteer. Thanks.
Easter Lilies
Again this year, our lilies will have even more meaning. We have decided to add to the cost of each lily and use these proceeds to benefit Discovery House. So while we celebrate the resurrection, we will also be ministering to people less fortunate. The lily alone will be $11.00, but if you choose to give to our Discovery House mission, it will be $15.00. Please call Cheri at the church office at 336-1649 to place your order, and please let us know if this is in memory of, or honoring someone.
Reforming (2nd)Service Ushers/Greeters Needed
We are in need of Ushers/Greeters for our 2nd Service. Responsibilities include distributing bulletins and greeting worshippers at the center sanctuary doors as well as taking a head count of worshippers (including praise and worship team and those in the nursery. A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex. Sign up for one week or whatever works with your schedule.
Wednesday, March 21st
Meal: Beef Stew
Meal Crew: Doug Stueven & his 6th Grade class
Adult Ed Classes
- Romans — Women’s Bible Study led by Rachelle Gewecke
- Explore the New Testament with the Great Courses
- Ask the Pastors – led by Pastor Clint
Sunday School “Snack Providers and Servers”
A sign-up sheet and PEANUT/NUT-FREE SNACK LIST is placed in the library window or you may sign up online. Please take a snack list and sign up for your favorite date!! 5 dozen snacks and 2 large juice (not red please) are needed for Sunday School. If you leave the worship service during the last hymn, you have time to prepare your snacks for serving. This week snacks will be provided by Sunday School. Snack Providers Needed!
Adult Ed Class: Ask the Pastors – led by Pastor Clint
2018 Student Internship
We are excited to announce that we intend to offer another paid internship opportunity within our youth and family ministries this summer. This year’s internship will be held in partnership with the Lakeshore Center who will also be providing the intern’s housing and food for the entire internship. We would love for you to share this opportunity with any undergraduate or graduate student who you think might be interested. More information can be found on our website, including the application, at fpcspiritlake.org/internship/.
Couples Boundary Waters Trip
We are thrilled to invite married couples to consider participating in a 5-6 day canoe trip into the Boundary Waters this summer. The trip will provide the quiet, space, and freedom to reconnect with each other as well as fellowship with other couples in our congregation. The tentative start dates for the trip are either July 23rd or 24th. If you are interested in participating or have questions of any kind feel free to contact either Doug Stueven, John Knabe, or the church office.
ILCC Spring Musical
~~1940’s Radio Hour~~
The story is about a radio company that is doing its last show before Christmas 1942. That fictitious radio broadcast is to go out to the troops fighting over seas in WWII and of course, the local air waves. ILCC wants to honor our area veterans for this show.
30 tickets have been purchased for the dinner/show for Saturday, March 24th. Dinner choices are Prime Rib, Chicken & Tilapia. If you are wanting to purchase tickets for March 24th, please contact Wayne Johnson at 339-7464 or email him at wayned_johnson@yahoo.com. If you are interested in carpooling, please meet here at FPC at 5:15pm
Attention Sewers
The children’s and lap quilts are now in the fellowship hall and ready for completion. Please take them home and complete one or as many as you like. These quilts have been given in the past to CAASA, Dickinson County Public Health for the “New Moms” program, Lakes Regional Healthcare for the new babies, Gentiva Hospice and Accura Care Center. Please help with this project which provides warmth to many members of our community and beyond.
Our Daily Bread Devotionals
The March, April, May “Our Daily Bread” devotionals are here and ready for you to pick up.
Ladies….of all ages:
Coffee break time every Thursday morning, 8:30 AM is at Lakes Regional Healthcare Coffee Shop. No agenda, just get together with friends and a little chit chat.
Questions: Call Lori Vicker at 515-249-6684.
- Roger Nolting lung cancer started Hospice.
- John has breathing and health issues.
- Shannon Siefker recovering from hip surgery.
- Kathy Huitink beginning new infusion procedure.
- Kathy Nygaard continued chemo treatments.
- Jan Lange stage 1 breast cancer.
- Randy Cauthren kidney transplant needed.
- Mike & Sue Ewen has family health issues.
- Jen Prentice recovering from surgeries.
- Barbie, Ruth Ann Kelly’s aunt, recovering from a fall.
- Kathryn Hansen recovering from pneumonia, influenza A and the flu.
- Mickey Arneson recovering from surgery.
- Eldon Haas hospitalized this week.
- Jocelyn Kitzinger recovering from elbow surgery.
- Samantha Vos recovering from shoulder surgery.
- Carol Armstrong recovering at Accura in Milford from knee surgery.
- Mandy Roger, niece of Doug Stueven, having health issues.
- Melody Peyton started cancer treatments in Chicago
- Kevin in hospice.
- Bob Huls with stage 4 colon cancer.
- Wilma Clauson recovering at Accura.
- India Shippley recovering from a car accident.
- Steve Thompson hospitalized with heart issues.
- Blake Smith suffering with health issues.
- John Knabe’s nephew Dietrich surgery to repair brain bleed.
- Gary Eaton suffering with shingles.
- Vicki Grems recovering from knee surgery.
- Margaret Plunkett battling cancer.
- Joan Baird recovering at Pearl Valley Rehab Center in Estherville.
- Heath Huberg battling cancer.
- Reba Williams battling cancer.
- Laura Fagen’s mom, Pat, in Hospice Care.
- Kolby suffering with chest pains.
- Kristen Kuiper recovering from a stroke.
- Dave Bartels recovering from breathing difficulties at home.
- Tomy Norman recovering from a shattered hip.
- Denice Wiersma battling cancer.
- Rod Johnson’s cancer has returned.
- Pauly Eaton diagnosed with cancer.
- Russ Thomson dealing with medical issues.
- Abby, Pauly Eaton’s granddaughter suffering injuries after car accident.
- Kelly Swancutt’s uncle having tests.
- Charles Klaassen having tests in Sioux Falls.
- Holly Hansen recovering from radiation.
- Steve Kwikkel with pancreatic cancer & chemo.
- Cindy Phillips clear PET scan, doing chemo maintenance.
- Laurie Phillips dealing with medical issues.
- Emily Butterworth recovering from surgery.
- Karen Clark dealing with medical issues.
Loved ones are kept on our prayer list for one
month, unless otherwise requested.
Upcoming Meetings:
March 21st
- Weekly Prayer – 4:45pm
- Recharge – 5:30pm
- High School Youth Group – 6:45pm
- Adult Handbell Rehearsal – 7pm
- Chancel Choir Rehearsal – 8pm
March 22nd
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
- Act II at the High School office – 11:20am
March 25th
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship – 10am
- Sunday School – 10:15am
- Confirmation -10:15am
- Adult Ed Classes – 10:30am
- Reforming Worship Service – 11:15am
March 26th
- PW Sewing – 9am
March 27th
- Tues Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
Reformed Worship Service ~ 8:50am
March 25th
Pianist – Rachelle Gewecke
Liturgist – John Knabe
Ushers – Ryan & Erin Davelaar and Brett & Nancy Thacker
Greeters – Joy Albert & Mavis Palmer
Video Taping – Keith Brockmeyer
Soundbooth – Jackie Jenkins, Mike Reekers &
Tom Ditsworth
Nursery – Angie Peterson
Coffee & Treats – Ron Jenkins & Ray & Marilyn Miller
Reforming Worship Service ~ 11:15am
March 25th
Praise Team – Anna Coffin, Brianna Pratt & Liz Steiner
Usher/Greeter – The Stecker family
Nursery – Kari Bruinsma
Sound & Power Point – Chris & Brice Pratt
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA