Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
What happens when a retired missionary decides that God wants to keep her busy? She launches an independent compassionate Gospel outreach in her adopted homeland of Cambodia and all heaven breaks loose. Marie Ens will celebrate her 84th birthday in Okoboji joined by 15 Cambodian teens who will dance their way into your heart in the traditions of their homeland. Okoboji Bible Conference Ministries is bringing Rescue Cambodia to First Presbyterian Church, Spirit Lake on Tuesday evening October 9 at 7 pm. There is no charge. An offering will be received to support Rescue in caring for AIDS patients and their children.
We will be having fall clean-up here at FPC on Saturday, October 6th from 8:30am until noonish. Duties will be assigned over coffee and rolls.
- Begin at 8:30am with coffee and rolls and assign duties
- Trim bushes around the building
- Raking up debris around the building
Please bring any tool(s) that you think would be helpful. See you there! Rain date is October 13th.
First Presbyterian Church will be hosting our Soup & Pie Supper on Wednesday, October 17th. This is an all church event and we need many helping hands to make this a success. Please sign-up on the sheets located in the library window.
Worship, Service, and Lunch!
On October 21st we will have a combined service at 9:00am and following worship we will be packing meals with “Kids Against Hunger.” Following that service project, we will be serving a soup and sandwich lunch for anyone who would like to stay. All are welcome and this will be a great event for families and children (of all ages)! We hope you will join us for a great morning.
Schedule – October 21st
9:00 – “Mostly acoustic” worship service in the sanctuary
10:15 – Meal packing in the fellowship hall for Kids Against Hunger
Around Noon – Soup and sandwich lunch
Hope to see you there!
Football Breakfasts
Again this year, First Presbyterian Church will be hosting breakfast and team devotionals on varsity game days. This has been a great experience for us and we are thankful for the opportunity to welcome the team. The numbers have grown steadily and we are regularly serving well over 70 young men at each meal. In order to keep up with the demand, we need your help. This can involve donating food, cooking, serving, or coordinating volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of a breakfast team, call 336-1649, check the sign-up sheet in the narthex or sign up on our website at www.fpcspiritlake.org/football
Sunday Morning Adult Ed
Beginning Sunday, September 23rd
The Book of Genesis
A look at where it all began. Join us as we begin working our way through the first, and perhaps most significant, book in the Old Testament. We will journey together through Genesis exploring what it says about God, Nature, people, and our world and we will examine the key players in the earliest history of people interacting with God. Bring your Bible and your questions as we discover what Scripture does and doesn’t teach about our origins and our existence.
Opportunity to Serve
Saturday, October 20th our church joins with the United Methodist Church to help serve the noon meal at The Banquet, 900 East 8th St., Sioux Falls, SD. This ministry depends on its many volunteers to serve those who are hungry for food and fellowship in a safe environment. Lunch Preparers arrive at 8:30am and Lunch Servers arrive at 10:45am. Parking and the entrance door are on the north side of The Banquet building. There is a sign-up sheet and details posted in the Narthex or call the church office at 336-1649 if you plan to go. It is a great and rewarding experience! More info at thebanquetsf.org
Families are encouraged to take part in this mission trip. Thank you everyone for helping!
Your Mission Committee
Reforming (2nd) Service Ushers/Greeters Needed
We are in need of Ushers/Greeters for our 2nd Service. Responsibilities include distributing bulletins and greeting worshippers at the center sanctuary doors as well as taking a head count of worshippers (including praise and worship team and those in the nursery. A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex. Sign up for one week or whatever works with your schedule.
Missing Your Pans and Bowls??
With our Soup & Pie Supper right around the corner, we need lots of space in the kitchen. Please stop by the Kitchen to see if your pan or bowl is here. Thank you!!
Ladies….of all ages:
Coffee break time every Thursday morning, 8:30 AM is at Lakes Regional Healthcare Coffee Shop. No agenda, just get together with friends and a little chit chat.
Questions: Call Lori Vicker at 515-249-6684.
Wednesday, September 26th
Meal: Korean Pork Chops
Meal Crew: Volunteers Needed!
- Jack Burrell as he recovers from knee surgery.
- Beth Primavera as she undergoes knee surgery.
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Ron & Jackie Jenkins on the passing of Ron’s cousin, JD Jenkins.
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Jim & Jen Watts on the passing of Jen’s dad, Bob Huls.
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Ardyce Rush on her passing this past week. Her memorial service will be held here at FPC on Friday, October 5th at 1pm.
- Chuck Dunn recovering from surgery.
- Macy Jennings begins a 3-day antiparasitic medication on Thursday.
- JD Jenkins placed under Hospice care.
- Gary Eaton diagnosed with cancer.
- Caila Corcoran recovering from surgery.
- Joyce Ackerman recovering from a fall at Accura.
- Marcia Hill recovering from a broken arm.
- Dorothy Fiala hospitalized with health issues.
- Martha Woodard recovering from hospitalization.
- Bill Kramer recovering from a heart attack.
- Marlene Noll recovering from surgery.
- Patti Meyer diagnosed with alzheimers.
- Wilma Kruse recovering from knee replacement surgery.
- Jo Megill recovering from hip surgery.
- Brent Kasson receiving treatments.
- Marj Roseberry dealing with health issues.
- Sharon Ringsdorf recovering from knee surgery.
- Marty Jenkins treating an infection.
Loved ones are kept on our prayer list for one month, unless otherwise requested.
Upcoming Meetings:
October 3rd
- Weekly Prayer – 4:45pm
- Recharge – 5:30pm
- HS Youth Group – 7:15pm
- Handbell Choir practice – 7pm
- Chancel Choir practice – 8pm
October 4th
- Ladies Coffee Break – 8:30am
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
- ACT II – 11:53am @Spirit Lake HS Office
October 6th
- Fall Cleanup
October 7th
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship – 10am
- Sunday School – 10:15am
- Confirmation – 10:15am
- Adult Ed – 10:30am
- Reforming Worship Service – 11:15am
October 8th
- PW Sewing – 9am
October 9th
- Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
Reformed Worship Service ~ 8:50am
October 7th
Pianist – Eulyn Riemersma
Liturgist – Rick Reinking
Ushers – Wayne & Kathleen Johnson
Greeters – John, Angie, Sydney & Drey Peterson
Video Taping – Wes Farmer
Soundbooth – Jackie Jenkins, Mike Reekers & Tom Ditsworth
Nursery – Help Needed! (Call the church office if you are interested.)
Coffee & Treats – Ron Jenkins, Keith & Beryl Marra
Reforming Worship Service ~ 11:15am
October 7th
Praise Team- Liz Steiner, Kaitlyn Nelson, Adrie Stecker, Dave Graanstra, Rachelle Gewecke, Gary Lambert, and Spencer Carlson
Greeter/Usher – Paul Johnson
Nursery – Milly & Claire Tillotson
Sound/Powerpoint – Pratts
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA