Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
From First Presbyterian Church
POET Okoboji View Dinner and Golf Registration
The next P.O.E.T. (Presbyterians Out Eating Together) Fellowship Dinner and golf outing is scheduled for Sunday, June 14th at the Okoboji View. If you wish to golf 9 holes, our tee time will be 4pm and will cost $25 per person (including cart). Dinner will begin at 6:30pm and you can choose either steak or chicken, which will include the salad bar, baked potato and roll for $17 (which includes tax & tip). You may RSVP by June 12th online at www.fpcspiritlake.org or by contacting the church office at 712-336-1649.
Jim Nygaard Fundraiser
The Jim Nygaard Fundraiser and Auction will be held on Saturday, June 13th at the Community Building in Spirit Lake with a meal from 4-7pm and the Live Auction to follow.
Sign up to bring cookies or bars for the dinner and auction items to be auctioned at the fundraiser on our website or call the church at 336-1649.
The cookies, bars and auction items may be dropped off at the Community Building on Saturday, June 13th between 1-3pm.
Birthday Party at Hilltop
Martha Circle of PW is hosting the June Birthday Party at Hilltop Care Center on June 19th, 2pm. If you would like to join us please call Charlene Radcliffe at 330-6668 or the church office at 336-1649.
Driver Needed for Summer Mission Trip
We are in need of someone (or people) who would be willing to drive our rented 14 passenger van to Minneapolis Airport to gather our guests for the summer mission trip from New York City. We will need one driver for June 27th to leave around noon and another driver to leave on Thursday July 2nd around 9am. Please let Pastor Michael know if you would be willing to drive one or both days.
Bicycle Ride Fundraiser – Help needed
I (Clint) have signed on to a fundraising ride to support human trafficking relief in Nepal and the state of Iowa. This is an enormous human rights problem, and the proceeds of this ride are directly donated to organizations that fight this appalling reality. The details of the ride can be found at www.okoboji200.org
I could use your help in one of two ways.
1 – If you are willing, donations can be made directly to my “account” at http://okoboji200.org/event/clint-loveall/ If you would rather write a check, please make it out to OK200 and include my name on the memo line or a separate piece of paper and mail it to
4504 Westwood Dr
West Des Moines IA 50265
2 – The group expects some housing needs on Friday June the 26th. Riders will be fed dinner and breakfast and should be plenty tired so basically a spare bed is about all that would be needed. You can let the church office know if you can help.
I’m excited about helping this cause and appreciate any support you could offer.
Pictures of Dad
On Sunday, June 21st we will be honoring all dads on Father’s Day. Please bring us your favorite picture of “Dad” to be presented in a slide show presentation on Father’s Day.
Chancel Committee
The Worship Committee is setting up a chancel committee to organize the decorations for the sanctuary and narthex. Responsibilities will be silk flower arrangements, live flowers (ex. Easter Lilies,) and banners for both services. If you would like to be a part of this please let Cheri know in the office or contact Lynn Peterson at 712-332-6274. We will be starting the third week in June. More details later.
Greeter/Usher (s) Needed
The Reforming (2nd) Service is in need of Greeters/Ushers for the month of July and beyond. Please contact Bob Peterson or the office if you can assist.
Mark Your Calendars for “Power Up”
our 2015 VBS
This year’s 2015 VBS “Power Up” celebrates the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives and will be held from August 3rd-7th.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Michael at michael@fpcspiritlake.org or 336-1649. The “Snack List” is located by the table in the narthex and ready for you to sign up.
Ladies of all ages….
Coffee break time every Thursday morning, 9 AM at Hey Good Cookies.
No agenda, just get together with friends and a little chit chat. Questions: Call Lori Vicker at 515-249-6684.
Liturgist Schedule
The Worship Committee is in the process of making up the schedule for liturgists for the next 12 months. We really do appreciate of the dedication and willingness of those who have served during our worship services in this capacity. Also, if you are interested in being a liturgist, please let Bob Peterson 332-6374, Cheri or Pastor Clint 336-1649 know, so that we can add you to our list!
- Continued prayers for Charlene Radcliffe who is recovering from 2 heart procedures.
- Our sympathies are extended to Roger & Laureen Andersen, on the passing of Laureen’s mom.
- Jim Arens who has been diagnosed with interstitial lung disease.
- Mitchell Elmquist struggling with lymphoma.
- Joyce Colton recovering from back surgery.
- Michele Swanson battling with cancer.
- Marcia Andersen, who is having health concerns.
- Dave Dreeszen recovering from surgery at home.
- Paul Donnenwerth battling with liver cancer.
- Brian Jones & Jay Anderson as they await transplants and further recovery.
Upcoming Meetings:
June 10th
- No 2nd Service Rehearsal
June 13th
- Jim Nygaard Fundraiser & Auction
- Meal – 4-7pm
- Auction – 7pm
June 14th
- Reformed Service – 8:50am
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 10:15am
- Reforming Service – 11:15am
June 15th
- PW Sewing – 9am
- Stewardship Committee Meeting – 5:15pm
June 16th
- Session Meeting – 7pm
Children’s Church
Pre-K-4th Grades are invited to attend Children’s Church during the Reformed Worship Service at 8:50am in June. After Children’s Time, the kids will follow the adult and youth leaders to the Education wing for a time of Bible lessons, music, craft and games. Once worship is over, they will enjoy snack time while the adults are having their coffee and fellowship time. During the summer months, there will not be regular Children’s Church School following Worship. Classes will resume in the Fall.
Children & Adult Sunday School Classes
will resume in the fall.
Reformed (1st) Service ~
June 14th
Organist – Charlene Radcliffe
Liturgist – Jake DeJong
Ushers – Marcia, Cassie & Caitlin Eckerman
and Roger & Karen Lahm
Greeters – Larry & Sharee DenHerder
Video Taping – Milt Nolting
Nursery – Katelyn Brockmeyer & Lisa Kraus
Coffee – Kent & Jill Stensland
Reforming (2nd) Service ~
June 14th
Singers – Emily Andersen, Marissa Sill, Ron Williams & Brianna Pratt
Power Point – Emma Dau
Sound – Kelly McKeever
Nursery – Stacy Howard