Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
In September our church will deliver meals to community shut-ins. Delivering Meals-On-Wheels takes about 30-45 minutes. You may sign up for any amount of days. Maybe you prefer one day a week, for instance every Monday, or every day for a week or different days during the month.
Substitutes are available so don’t let the fact that you are going to be gone one time stop you from signing up. You pick up the meals at the hospital kitchen at 11:00am. This usually is done with a partner to make the job fun and faster. Meals are delivered every day of the week except Sunday.
Delivering Meals-On-Wheels to our community shut-ins is a rewarding experience and you will be glad you took part in it.
A calendar has been placed on an easel in the Narthex for you to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Milt Nolting at 336-4336.
High School Fifth-Quarter Lock-In
All high school students are invited to join us following the first football game in Spencer on August 24th for a fifth-quarter (and back to school) overnight lock-in at the church. We will have a great night full of snacks, fun, and games. We will start with large group night games around 10:30pm and also have time later in the evening for Fortnite and other small group games until dismissal at 7:00am. There is no cost but if you intend to join us for the lock-in please notify Pastor Michael by next Wednesday, August 22nd!
Football Breakfasts
Again this year, First Presbyterian Church will be hosting breakfast and team devotionals on varsity game days. This has been a great experience for us and we are thankful for the opportunity to welcome the team. The numbers have grown steadily and we are regularly serving well over 70 young men at each meal. In order to keep up with the demand, we need your help. This can involve donating food, cooking, serving, or coordinating volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of a breakfast team, call 336-1649, check the sign-up sheet in the narthex or sign up on our website at www.fpcspiritlake.org/football
Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Bible Study normally held on Wednesday evenings at 6pm will continue through the summer. The Bible Study is currently being held upstairs at Rabab’s Coffee Shop on Tuesday mornings at 9am. They will be studying the gospel of John and continues to be led by Rachelle Gewecke.
Ladies….of all ages:
Coffee break time every Thursday morning, 8:30 AM is at Lakes Regional Healthcare Coffee Shop. No agenda, just get together with friends and a little chit chat.
Questions: Call Lori Vicker at 515-249-6684.
- Brent Kasson receiving treatments.
- Marj Roseberry dealing with health issues.
- Mark Voss recovering from knee surgery.
- Sharon Ringsdorf recovering from knee surgery.
- Betty Bell recovering from a broken hip.
- Marty Jenkins treating an infection.
- Macy Jennings has done 33 treatments only 6 left.
- Wes Radcliffe recovering from ear surgery.
- Cassandra Canaban (Great-Granddaughter of Mary Cornell) dealing with health issues.
- John Heim doing physical therapy in Omaha.
- Kristen (Jenkins) diagnosed with a blood disease.
- JD Jenkins ongoing health issues.
- Brenda Wilson recovering from serious fall.
- Peter Knabe recovering from broken jaw.
- Dave Fagen diagnosed with leukemia.
- Melody Peyton’s cancer has returned.
- Marlene Noll recovering from being treated for Afib.
- Bob Huls recovering at home with Home Health Care.
- Keith Byers recovering from horse accident.
- Derrick Drinovsky, friend of Hope Haven staff, with upcoming knee surgery.
- Jim & Kene Gayle, as Jim recovers from a stroke and head injuries.
- Ivan Kleeve, friend of Kelly Swancutt.
- Karen Byers recovering from horse accident.
- Jamie Phillips recovering after hospitalization.
- Sheila Robinson recovering at Accura.
- Jennie Heathcote battling with cancer.
- Syl Rost battling with cancer.
- Elaine DenHerder recovering from an accident.
- Jim Watts, Sr. rehabbing at a facility in Omaha.
- Laura Fagen’s mom, Pat.
- Jan Richards dealing with health issues and tests.
- Kathy Nygaard navigating cancer treatments.
- Larry Gearke is battling cancer.
- Mandy Rodger, niece of Doug Stueven, having health issues.
Loved ones are kept on our prayer list for one month, unless otherwise requested.
Upcoming Meetings:
August 22nd
- Weekly Prayer – 1pm
- Building & Grounds Meeting – 6pm
August 23rd
- Ladies Coffee Break – 8:30am
August 24th
- High School Fifth Quarter Lock-In – 10:30pm
August 26th
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship – Birthday Celebration of Dorothy Ingvall & Mary Cornell – 10am
- Reforming Worship Service – 11:15am
August 27th
- No PW Sewing
August 28th
- Bible Study led by Rachelle Gewecke – 9am held at Rabab’s Coffee Shop
Reformed Worship Service ~ 8:50am
August 26th
Organist – Phyllis Attema
Liturgist – Pam DenHerder
Ushers – Chuck & Gloria Ditsworth, Kelly Swancutt & John Calsbeek
Greeters – Brett & Nancy Thacker
Video Taping – Milt Nolting
Soundbooth – Jackie Jenkins, Tom Ditsworth & Mike Reekers
Nursery – April Krull & Lisa Kraus
Coffee & Treats – Ron Jenkins, Mary Cornell, Jerry & Dorothy Ingvall
Reforming Worship Service ~ 11:15am
August 26th
Praise Team – Serena Lynch, Annika Stecker, Kari Bruinsma, Rachelle Gewecke, Gary Lambert, Dave Boon & Spencer Carlson
Greeter/Usher – Paul Johnson
Nursery – Dana Bolluyt
Sound/Power Point – Chris & Logan Sill
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA