Atlas Group was founded in Sioux Center in 2000 and has since planted over a dozen independent Atlas organizations across the nation. Atlas of Spencer began serving clients in Spencer in 2010. David Lyons serves as the Executive Director.
The Atlas of Spencer Mission is to guide CHANGED LIVES THROUGH CHRISTIAN LOVE AND ADVOCACY. Daily, Atlas seeks to be mentor-advocates by providing relational, emotional, physical, financial, and/or spiritual support and guidance to those seeking help. Atlas staff strive to become a non-judgmental presence in lives while demonstrating the unconditional love of God, offering a relationship with Jesus Christ, and encouraging participation in a local church.
The Atlas of Spencer Vision is FOSTERING COMMUNITY AWARENESS, CONCERN, AND RESPONSE TO THE NEEDS OF AREA RESIDENTS. In the broader community, Atlas desires to serve as a catalyst to promote an expanding ministry of caring people across the community. Working cooperatively where God puts us can provide for changed lives through cooperative investment in others.
As Atlas seeks to provide assistance to the less fortunate of our community, our ministry welcomes people from area churches who will willingly share their life with and reach out to help others traveling rough spots on their journey through life.