Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
Autumn Soup, Sandwich & Pie Supper
The Soup, Sandwich & Pie Supper is right around the corner and there are still a few slots to fill. The sign-up sheet is located in the narthex. We need your help to make this soup supper a success.
Pie Makers
Please have your pies to the church by 1:30pm on Wednesday, October 12th.
High School Soup, Sandwich & Pie Delivery
As in past years, our high school students are invited to deliver soup, sandwich, and pie meals to church members in assisted living and to those who struggle to leave their homes. Interested students should arrive at church on Wednesday the 12th at 4:30pm. Shortly after, we will depart to deliver meals and then return to the church and eat together as a group. Note: there will be NO regular high school youth group this week at 7pm in light of the church supper.
Markers of the Covenant – A series on the 10 Commandments
Most Christians claim that the 10 Commandments are “extremely important,” though most also can’t name them all. What are they, who are they for, what do they mean, and why does it matter? Join us beginning Sept 11 as we begin a sermon series on the 10 Commandments which will also be a Sunday School and Recharge Wednesday class with follow-up discussion.
Open House Honoring Rev. Charles Gilbert
The family of Rev. Charles D. Gilbert invites the public to an open house in honor of his 50 years of pastoral ministry. The open house is from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23, at the Calvary United Methodist Church in Arnolds Park. Calvary United Methodist is the church where Gilbert was ordained.
Confirmation Retreat
The annual 8th grade Confirmation retreat will begin at 1pm on Saturday October 15th at the Lakeshore Center. The retreat will end after the students attend the 8:50 worship service on Sunday the 16th (students will be free to return home immediately following the service). Parents with questions or concerns can contact Pastor Michael for more information.
Looking for Singers
The Reforming service is looking for vocalists to join the praise team! If you like to sing and have thought of trying it out, now is the perfect opportunity to join. You can sign up to sing as often as your schedule may allow, and you also get to participate in choosing the music that we sing in church on Sunday. Contact Rachelle Gewecke at (712)314-2292 or rachelle.gewecke@gmail.com to hear more about this fun and important way to get involved in our church family and use the talents God has given you!
K-3rd Grade Toys Needed for Recharge
The church is looking for donations of lightly used toys appropriate for K-3rd grades to be used during Recharge. We are looking for Legos, K’nex, Barbies, matchbox cars (and tracks), and puzzles. If you have other toys that you think might be appropriate, please contact Pastor Michael with more information. Thank you!
Wednesday, October 12th
Please contact the church office if you can help serve meals anytime in the next four weeks so that we can be sure to count on your help. Thank you in advance!
Adult Classes:
- Freezer Meals
- For the Life of the World – Rick Porter
- The Book of Daniel – Rachelle Gewecke
- 10 Commandments—Clint Loveall
Recharge Craft Donations Needed!
- Several 6 inch pots w/saucers (by October 19th)
- old keys (any size, any kind)
- broken costume jewelry (earrings, necklaces, pins, etc)
Questions? Ask Jill Jennings
Donations may be put in the craft room.
Opportunity to Serve
Saturday, October 15th our church joins with the United Methodist Church to help serve the noon meal at The Banquet, 900 East 8th Street, Sioux Falls SD. This ministry depends on its many volunteers to serve those who are hungry for food and fellowship in a safe environment. You can choose to leave at 6:30 or 8:30am (early shift helps prepare the meal) and either car pool or drive yourself. Parking is available on the north side of The Banquet building as is the entrance door. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex or call the church office 336-1649 by October 6th if you plan to go. It is a great and rewarding experience! More info at thebanquetsf.org
Pastor Appreciation Day
The month of October is
“Pastor Appreciation Month”
On Sunday, October 16, 2016 a reception will be held, hosted by our session members, to honor Pastor Clint and Pastor Michael immediately following our Reformed Service (1st). Everyone is welcome to bring cards, notes, or just show up to express your appreciation.
New Member Recognition
For those of you who have already made the commitment to join First Presbyterian Church and those of you still in the decision making process, the Membership Committee wants you to know that new members will be recognized on October 23rd. If you have decided to join and have not completed the necessary paperwork, please call or stop by the church office.
- Our sympathies to the family of Paul Zierke on the passing of his wife, Mary, this past week.
- Lois Eckerman recovering from pneumonia.
- Beth Primavera recovering from a broken arm.
- Mandi Rodger suffering with health issues.
- Gayle Raymond recovering from a fall.
- Anna Pringnitz
- Lawrence Lupkes recovering from surgery.
- Lee Struthers suffering with macular degeneration and glaucoma.
- Laureen Andersen recovering from hip replacement surgery.
- Bruce DeJong recovering from surgery.
- Nadine Hough recovering from ankle surgery.
- Kathy Huitink having tests/treatment of health issues.
- Karl Kiilsholm having health issues.
- Mary Cornell recovering from hip surgery.
- Keith Tadlock beginning radiation treatment.
- Katy Kline recovering from skin graft surgery.
- Bev Butler recovering from surgery.
- Amy Tanner suffering with a brain bleed.
- Tom Gruber suffering with health issues.
- Marj Roseberry recovering from hip surgery.
- Mark Goetsch recovering from a work accident.
- Eric Avery fighting brain cancer.
- Velma Ashburn dealing with health issues.
- Kenny Beck fighting brain cancer.
- Judy Stueven recovering from health issues.
- Bennett Stecker for healing and response to treatment.
- Tammy (Bartels) Martin recovering from an aneurysm.
- Pat Kelly suffering with health issues.
- Betty Lamer recovering from an illness.
- Talia Patton as she suffers kidney rejection.
- Jim Arens, diagnosed with interstitial lung disease.
- Mitchell Elmquist struggling with lymphoma.
- Jay Anderson as he awaits transplants and further recovery.
Upcoming Meetings:
October 12th
- Soup/Sandwich & Pie Supper – 4:30-7pm
- No Recharge
- No High School Youth Group
- Adult Handbell practice – 7pm
- 2nd Service Rehearsal – 7:15pm
- Chancel Choir practice – 8pm
October 13th
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
- Mary/Martha Circle Meeting – 1:30pm
October 15th
- FPC Serves at The Banquet in Sioux Falls
October 16th
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Pastor Appreciation – 10am
- Sunday School – 10:15am
- Confirmation – 10:15am
- Adult Ed – 10:30am
- Act II – 12:30pm
- Worship Service at Welcov – 2:45pm
October 17th
- PW Sewing -9am
- Stewardship Committee Meeting – 5:15pm
October 18th
- Weekly Prayer – 9am
- Women’s Bible Study – 1:30pm
- Session Meeting – 7pm
Reformed (1st) Service ~ 8:50am
October 16th
Pianist – Arla Stover
Liturgist – Bob Peterson
Ushers – Bernie & Marcia VanRoekel
Greeters – Wayne & Kathleen Johnson
Video Taping – Keith Brockmeyer
Nursery – Heather Sprague & June Howatt
Coffee – Jerry & Dorothy Ingvall
Reformed (2nd) Service ~ 11:15am
October 16th
Praise Team – Pressley Cochran-Bray, Brianna Pratt
Greeter/Usher – Josh, Dana, Lucas & Leah Bolluyt
Nursery – Sarah Dirks
Power Point – Brice Pratt
Sound – Chris Pratt
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA