Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
New Church Directory & Family Portrait Opportunity
Believe it or not, it is time to refresh our church directory once again! The Membership committee invites you to sign up for a photography sitting within one of our two sessions from June 26th-29th and July 14th & 15th and 19th & 20th. Every family that participates will receive one free 8″x10″ picture as well as a free printed church directory. The photo directory is an important tool that helps connect our church family across our two services and also serves as a great point of contact for our newest members. Please signup for your family’s appointment right away. You can either call in your reservation to the church office or complete it online at https://fpcspiritlake.org/directory/
All high schoolers are welcome to join us Wednesday (6/14) for our first weekly Bible study over the book of James. We’ll be meeting at the Spillway Beach (South shore Big Spirit) for bagels, muffins, and juice. Starting at 7am!
Mission Trip Meeting
The final preparatory mission trip meeting will be held at First Presbyterian Church in Lake Park on Wednesday, June 14th at 7pm. Please come to receive the final packing list, a complete trip itinerary, and the final information required for our upcoming Mission trip to NYC.
Mini Golf & Tropical Sno
All 7th & 8th graders are welcome to join us for mini golf at Pirates Cove and Tropical Sno this Thursday (6/15) at 2pm. Be sure to pack along $5 to cover the price of a sweet treat.
Let’s Go (formerly Children’s Church)
Pre-K through 4th grade students are invited to attend Let’s Go (Children’s Church), an interactive worship experience, following the children’s sermon during both worship services every Sunday through June and July. Adult leaders will lead students in a time of Bible lessons, music, crafts, and games in the Christian Education wing. Once worship is over, students will enjoy a snack time while adults have a time of coffee and fellowship. Regular Sunday School will not meet during the summer and will resume in the early Fall.
Pictures of Dad
On Sunday, June 18th we will be honoring all dads on Father’s Day. Please bring us your favorite picture of “Dad” to be presented in a slide show presentation on Father’s Day.
Lakeside Picnic
Join us for a “Lakeside Picnic” at Larry & Sharee DenHerder’s home at 2410 Lakeside Ave., Wahpeton on June 25th at 5pm.
Hamburgers, hot dogs, water, ice tea and kool aide will be served. Boat rides will be available at 6pm. Children and adults are welcome to swim off the beach or dock. Children age 10 and under must wear coast guard approved life jackets in the water and on the dock.
Potluck items are requested for the rest of the meal. Sign up is in the narthex or email Cheri. Please RSVP by June 21st.
The Baby/Lap Quilts are ready to be finished. They are located in the chest of drawers in fellowship hall.
OKOBOJI 200 News
In addition to making donations (and thanks to those who have!) there will be a couple other ways to support the Okoboji 200 cycling fundraiser to fight sex trafficking. We are looking for housing for some of the riders on Friday evening, June 30th. This would include picking up riders from Arnold’s Park on Friday afternoon/evening and, in most cases, transporting to the church on Saturday morning. Details can be worked out, but if you have space and are willing to host a rider(s), please call or email the church office.
Breakfast Help – we will be serving the OK200 riders an omelet breakfast again this year at 9:00am on Saturday, July 1. We have been given a donation to cover groceries, but we will need people to cook, clean and host that morning. We could also use muffins/donuts/rolls/etc. to serve with the omelets. Please call or email if you are willing to furnish some food or to work the breakfast.
712-336-1649 or office@fpcspiritlake.org
Thank You!
To Donate: https://www.crowdrise.com/clint-loveall—OK200-2017
FPC is Collecting Freezer Meals
We try to keep freezer meals on hand for families in need, but our collection is getting low. So we are asking for your help in restocking the freezer. Thank you for your continued support in this ministry.
VBS Registration Is Now Open
Click here to sign up today…
- Our sympathies are extended to Roger & Donna Rieck on the passing of Roger’s sister, Verdeen Knox, this past week.
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Maxine Cecil on her passing.
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of Keith & Beryl Marra on the passing of Beryl’s dad, Gayle.
- Our sympathies are extended to Jennifer and the family of Travis & Elliot Mier who died tragically in a car accident.
- Colleen & Josie Bomgaars, Madison & Cameron Pottebaum recovering from a car accident.
- Paul Scharnberg battling cancer reoccurrence.
- Amy Webber recovering from asthma.
- Heidi (Stover) recovering from thyroid surgery.
- Marcia VanRoekel recovering at home from surgery.
- Ruth DeJong recovering from infection after hip surgery.
- Barb Altena’s father recovering after having stent put in.
- Toni Ostendorf treated for respiratory issues.
- Darrell Welch recovering from surgery.
- Helen Gerth having back issues.
- Beth Primavera recovering from surgery.
- Audrey Wiersma in Hospice at Hawkeye.
- Nan Woods with continuing health issues.
- Lawrence (Gloria Ditsworth’s brother) cancer radiation complete, results in August.
- Mandi Rodger who is recovering from surgery.
- Feets Heitritter suffering with brain tumor.
- Don Monson recovering at Wesley Acres, 3520 Grand Ave., Rm 136, Des Moines, IA 50312 .
- Kathy Huitink diagnosed with ALS.
- Doug Vodraska recovering from heart surgery.
- Ivan Kleeve begins chemo treatment.
- John Mayne battling cancer.
- Jennifer Ryker recovering from muscle disease.
- Rick Hayes dealing with family tragedies.
- Travis Sweissburger dealing with cancer.
- Julie going through chemo.
- Jim Bueltel battling cancer.
- Talia Patton recovering from kidney transplant. 3/14
- Cindy Phillips diagnosed with lymphoma.
- Laurie Phillips dealing with health issues.
- Jay Anderson regarding transplant list. 2/22
- Bart Duncan recovering from stroke.
- Hilary Vicker battling with breast cancer.
- Hannah Brumley’s grandparents.
- Walt Main recovering from colon surgery. 2/15
- Sue battling cancer.
- Debbie battling cancer.
- Denice (Wiersma) recovering from surgery.
- Darla Ubben beginning chemo.
- Paul Kamermeyer diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.
Loved ones are kept on our prayer list for one
month, unless otherwise requested.
Upcoming Meetings:
June 14th
- No 2nd Service Rehearsal
June 15th
- 7th & 8th Grade Icees & Mini Golf – 2-5pm
June 18th
- Reformed Worship Service – 8:50am
- Coffee and fellowship – 10am
- Reforming Worship Service – 11:15am
June 19th
- PW Sewing – 9am
- Stewardship Committee Meeting – 5:15pm
June 20th
- Weekly Prayer – 9am
- Bible Study w/Rachelle Gewecke at Rabab’s (formerly Prairie Chick) – 9:30am
- Session Meeting – 7pm
Reformed Worship Service ~ 8:50am
June 18th
Pianist – Rachelle Gewecke
Liturgist – Kris Oldson
Ushers – Dennis & Joyce Colton and Marcia & Cassie Eckerman
Greeters – Jack & Sherryl Jones
Video Taping – Keith Brockmeyer
Nursery – Angie Peterson & Amy Profit
Coffee – Steve & Jan Richards
Reforming Worship Service ~ 11:15am
June 18th
Praise Team – Kari Bruinsma, Jeremiah Clay & Annika Stecker
Nursery – Teresa Beck
Power Point – Blake Tillotson
Sound – Craig Tillotson
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA