Weekly Update
Your Weekly Update
Missing Christmas
This year’s Advent series will focus on various ways we trivialize, minimize, and miss the message and meaning of Christmas. Each week will highlight a theme that gets in the way of a true experience of celebrating Christ. We hope to see you as we prepare for Christmas together.
December 24th – The 120 days of Christmas – Holiday Excess
One service at 10:00am
December 24th – Copying Christmas – Traditions, Rituals, and Meaning
Christmas Eve services at 4:00pm and 6:00pm
Advent is from a Latin word meaning “arrive,” and is used in the church for the season that precedes Christmas. The themes of Advent are waiting, expecting, joy, hope, love, and peace. Advent offers us an opportunity not to rush ahead to Christmas but prepare our hearts and minds in order to experience the true meaning of the arrival of Christ.
On Wednesday, December 20th, our congregation will be hosting a Christmas dinner (lasagna for the adults and pizza for the kids, salad, and Christmas goodies), and a Night of Carols. The dinner will begin at 6:00pm. Due to transportation logistics and the request of local care facilities, we will not be traveling to care facilities this year, but instead hosting our own celebration and carol singing at the church. If you or your family knows someone who may not drive at night or struggles to leave home, please consider inviting them to join you. If you are aware of someone who would enjoy joining us but needs transportation please let us know and we will do our best to transport them. There will be no cost for the meal that night and we would benefit greatly from our entire church family joining us for our Christmas celebration.
In summary, dinner will begin at 6:00pm (not 5:30pm as per usual) and our celebration and caroling will end as normal at 7:00pm.
Meal Crew: Doug & Barb Johnson, Ron & Ellen Williams
Meal Crew Helpers Needed!!
Thank You
We would like to thank all the volunteers that came to church on Sunday afternoon to remove the old carpet from the Christian Ed wing. The project went well and the space will be ready for the new carpet installation starting on Tuesday, December 26. Also, thanks to the congregation for their patience and understanding during this process.
Building and Grounds Committee
High School Christmas Party
This year’s High School Christmas Party will be held on December 20th starting at 7:00pm. Join us for a white elephant exchange ($10 maximum), Christmas music, Christmas goodies, and Christmas related games. It will be a night full of fun and fellowship, we look forward to seeing you there!
Nursery Unavailable
Due to our carpeting project, the Nursery will be unavailable on Sunday, December 24th at our Joint Worship Service at 10am. No Nursery staff will be on duty at that time. If you need a place to go with your child, the Chapel or Fireside Room is available to you.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
We invite you to be a part of our church family for either our 4pm or 6pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Services.
Rides to Church
The Deacons are willing to provide rides for anyone who needs rides, especially this winter. Contact the church for rides and they will get ahold of the Deacons.
No Recharge December 27th & January 3rd
Craft Items Needed at Recharge
Clear glassware needed for Recharge crafts
Containers should be at least 4 inches deep, but deeper is better! Mouth should be at least 6 inches wide, but wider is better! These will be used to make terrariums with succulent plants Need at least 9 containers by January 10, 2018. Need at least 7 containers by January 24, 2018.
Sunday School “Snack Providers and Servers”
A sign-up sheet and PEANUT/NUT-FREE SNACK LIST is placed in the library window or you may sign up online. Please take a snack list and sign up for your favorite date!! 5 dozen snacks and 2 large juice (not red please) are needed for Sunday School. If you leave the worship service during the last hymn, you have time to prepare your snacks for serving.
No Sunday School on December 24 or December 31.
Advent Poinsettias
This year we will be supporting the Cherish Center as our Mission Project. If you are willing to share a poinsettia with us and donate to the Cherish Center, the cost is $15. For a poinsettia only $11.25. Please contact Cheri in the office at 336-1649. Please let her know if this poinsettia is in memory of, or honoring someone.
2nd Service Ushers/Greeters Needed
We are in need of Ushers/Greeters for our 2nd Service. Responsibilities include distributing bulletins and greeting worshippers at the center sanctuary doors as well as taking a head count of worshippers (including praise and worship team and those in the nursery. A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex. Sign up for one week or whatever works with your schedule.
Christmas Joy Offering
Our Christmas Joy Offering Dedication will be held on Sunday, December 24th during our 10am Worship Service.
Annual Report Deadline
Attention all Committee chairpersons, your committee report for the Annual Report will be due by Friday, December 29th.
Year-End Giving Deadline
The deadline for the 2017 year-end giving to the church is Friday, December 29th at noon. Any gifts and pledges received or postmarked after that time will be credited to your 2018 statements.
Christian Writing Group
A Christian Writers group is meeting on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. The meeting is at the Spirit Lake Public Library from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. You can enter the west door of the library. Our next meeting is December 22. Their web site is
- Our sympathies are extended to the family of John Williams on the passing of his son this past week.
- John Williams daughter battling cancer.
- Laura Fagen’s mom, Pat, in Hospice Care.
- Kolby suffering with chest pains.
- Kristen Kuiper recovering from a stroke.
- Dave Bartels recovering from breathing difficulties at home.
- Keith Moriston recovering from 2nd knee replacement surgery.
- Tomy Norman recovering from a shattered hip.
- Denice Wiersma battling cancer.
- Helen Gerth dealing with medical issues.
- Rod Johnson cancer has returned.
- Pauly Eaton diagnosed with cancer.
- Lawrence Lupkes’ cancer returned.
- Rachel Fisher dealing with pregnancy complications.
- Kathy Huitink being treated for pressure sores.
- Russ Thomson dealing with medical issues.
- A young man recovering from injuries.
- Abby, Pauly Eaton’s granddaughter suffering injuries after car accident.
- Jen Watts niece, Ellie, as she prepares for her initial partial prosthetic and therapy.
- Kelly Swancutt’s uncle having tests.
- Charles Klaassen having tests in Sioux Falls.
- Holly Hansen recovering from radiation.
- Steve Kwikkel with pancreatic cancer & chemo.
- Cindy Phillips clear PET scan, doing chemo maintenance.
- Laurie Phillips dealing with medical issues.
- Emily Butterworth recovering from surgery.
- Karen Clark dealing with medical issues.
Loved ones are kept on our prayer list for one
month, unless otherwise requested.
Upcoming Meetings:
December 20th
- Weekly Prayer – 5:15pm
- Recharge Christmas Dinner & Carols – 6pm
- High School Christmas Party – 7pm
- Adult Handbell Rehearsal – 7pm
- Chancel Choir Rehearsal – 8pm
December 21st
- Men’s Bible Study – 9am
- Act II at the High School office – 11:20am
December 24th
- Joint Worship Service – 10am
- Coffee and fellowship – 11am
- Christmas Eve Candlelight Services – 4 & 6pm
December 25th
- Merry Christmas!! (Office Closed)
- No PW Sewing
December 26th
- No Tues Women’s Bible Study
Joint Worship Service ~ 10:00am
December 24th
Pianist – Rachelle Gewecke
Liturgist – Lynn Peterson
Ushers – Edna VanderWolde, Courtney Bolluyt, Ellie, Bolluyt, Leo Kofoot
Greeters – Vernice Wahl & Marcia Eckerman
Video Taping – Wes Farmer
Soundbooth – Jackie Jenkins, Mike Reekers, Tom Ditsworth, Pat Butler
Nursery – Jocelyn Kitzinger
Coffee – Tom & Deb Ditsworth
Christmas Eve ~ 4pm
Organist – Charlene Radcliffe
Ushers – Lori Vicker, Deb Ditsworth, Roger &
Donna Harms
Greeters – Edna VanderWolde & LaVonne Geertsema
Christmas Eve ~ 6pm
Organist – Charlene Radcliffe
Ushers – Chuck & Gloria Ditsworth, Doug Johnson & Ron Niebruegge
Greeters – Gene Ringsdorf & Pat Thomson
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First Presbyterian Church · 3501 Hill Ave · Spirit Lake, IA 51360 · USA